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8K Resolution In VR Porn?!



Unfortunately, VR Headset with 8K resolution probably won’t be available for consumers in January 2018, as Pimax (Chinese VR Headset manufacturer) has promised. It was, however, to be expected. The company is currently working on improving some details like heat dissipation, strength and hardware solutions concerning refreshing rates: the refresh rate of a 75Hz, the new one is supposed to keep it at 85Hz and 90Hz. As the works on the new equipment are still going, it’s safe to say that we won’t be able to experience Virtual Reality Porn this month. According to Pimax, we can expect the release date in March. This Headset gathered over $4.2 million in Kickstarter funds before its closing for talking about features like dual 4K panels and a 200-degree field of view. Imagine how that would improve your already amazing VR Porn experience. It was obvious from the very beginning that the previous launch date was a little bit too ambitious. However, Pimax recently earned additional $15 million in Series A funding to be able to further improve the equipment and ensure a better consumer release. Pimax claims to update backers after the first half of January about the shipping plan for the first batch of headsets. The company says they’ll attend Consumer Electronics Show to collect feedback to improve 8K even more. Needless to say, that kind of contact with a consumer gives people the opportunity to make a change, to point out the good and the bad and, in the near future, to make your virtual sex experience even more smooth and realistic. After CES the works on the headset will continue and the Pimax R&D team will try to debug it and improve the algorithm so that the software is ready before the company starts to ship anything. Looks like technology nowadays is evolving rapidly and Virtual Reality Porn gains a lot on the changes! 

Added on: 2018-01-04 12:30:29
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