5 Tips For Finding And Stimulating Your G-Spot
How many times have you heard a woman complain about her male partner not being able to find the G-spot? If you try to think about it closely for a minute, you will realize that this is also mentioned in movies quite often and that men are usually judged by their ability to hit the spot. If they cannot find it, they are deemed not so great lovers. On the other hand, if they can find it, then they are a keeper.
I could perhaps understand and endorse that theory that men are bad at finding the G-spot were it not for the fact that women can be bad at it too. Yes, you have heard me right. And, yes, I know it is your body and you are the one who knows it the best. But, still, hitting that sweet spot could be just as difficult for you as it is for a man that is not that experienced when it comes to pleasing a woman sexually. This is especially correct for those women that haven’t spent much time “getting to know themselves”, if you know what I mean.
Here’s what you need to know about the G-spot in women: https://www.healthline.com/health/g-spot-in-women
In any case, the point is that you might have a difficult time finding and stimulating your very own G-spot when you are masturbating, which is why you might want to go easy on those partners that sometimes seem completely unable of finding that one spot that you want stimulated. After all, neither can you sometimes. Well, that’s a shame, isn’t it? Few things are worse than starting your masturbation and then getting a bit turned down by your own inability to keep yourself hot and stimulated.
Well, how about you prevent something like that from happening in the first place? Or, how about you make sure that your masturbation time is always filled with a lot of stimulation and a lot of, well, wetness? To be even more precise, how would you like to get a few tips that will help you both find and stimulate your G-spot the right way? I do believe that these tips will come quite in handy and that you’ll find them rather useful once you are left alone the next time.
The fact that you are still reading this article tells me that you are ready to do the learning and figure out precisely how to find and stimulate that one spot on your body that basically every woman is talking about and that seems to be able to bring them to amazing orgasms. So, since you are ready to learn, I believe it is time to start learning right away. Here we go.

1. Don’t Begin Until You’ve Reached The “Sexy” Mood
If you are trying to find this spot just so that you can experiment and be proud of yourself for finding it, then you are most likely not going to feel any good during your masturbation process. After all, the whole point is in helping you get off and get satisfied and you certainly won’t be able to do that unless you enter the “sexy” mode. In other words, wait until you have begun feeling horny or help yourself get horny by watching certain videos, fantasizing, or doing practically whatever it is that works for you here.
Now, it is important for you to remember that finding the G-spot when you are not aroused is definitely not the right move. I am definitely not just saying this, as it is most certainly correct, and there is a reason for it. In short, when you are horny, more blood will rush into your actual pelvic region, which will lead to the G-spot becoming raised and much easier to find. So, get horny and start experimenting.
2. Get A Vibrator Made For It
The above tip is there just to get you started and we still haven’t reached the topic of actually finding that sweet spot. If, however, you already feel eager to stimulate that spot as soon as possible and if you aren’t really keen on spending your time searching for it, then I would advise you to get yourself a vibrator that it made specifically for the goal that you are trying to achieve. There are certainly a lot of different vibrators, as you can see if you check out these examples, out there, and a lot of them are created with the aim of stimulating the G-spot.
So, if you are one of those women that don’t want to do much work and that still want to be completely satisfied, then you will undeniably benefit from a vibrator like this. Make sure to check out a few different models before choosing your right one, and then keep an eye on its quality as well, because you want to be able to use this magical creation for a long time. If you are not sure that the phrase “magical creation” is a good description of these types of vibrators, I would advise you to first try them out and then be the judge of that. The bottom line is that you could use one of these, even if you do know how to manually hit the G-spot.

3. Know What To Do With Your Fingers
Speaking of hitting that spot “manually”, I suppose that you do want to know exactly how to do that. Well, let me start by saying that it really isn’t that difficult and that you simply need to know precisely what to do with your fingers. Thus, if you are not looking for a vibrator right now and if you would much rather find that spot all on your own, let me tell you a bit more about what you should do with your fingers in order to achieve this goal.
As mentioned previously, your first step should be to get horny, because there’s no point in searching for this sweet spot if you’re not aroused at all. Then, you should insert a finger two or three inches into your vagina while slightly curving it and then rock it towards the belly button. Of course, the number of fingers you are going to get inside is all up to you, since you know best what works for you. Anyway, the point is for you to follow those movements that I’ve described here and you’ll definitely manage to get perfectly stimulated.
4. Experiment, As There Is No One Rule That Fits All
What you should remember, though, is that experimenting with yourself is the right path towards stimulation, because we all have sort of different bodies, and different things that get us off. Okay, we are anatomically practically the same, but the truth is that you’ll have to find out for yourself what to do with those fingers if you really want to find that amazing spot. The movements I’ve mentioned above should be a sort of a guideline for you, but experimentation is always the right path towards getting properly stimulated. So, don’t be afraid to get a bit kinky.
5. Add Some Lubricant To The Mix
Now that you know precisely how to find your G-spot, you’ll probably want to hear more about how to actually stimulate it. Well, once again, this depends from one person to another. So, once again, experimentation is the key.
And yet, even though this is an individual thing, there are some tricks that everyone can use in order to get properly stimulated. For one thing, there is no doubt that we can all benefit from proper lubrication. So, add some oils to the mix if you really want to get things hot and if you want to feel as if you are on seventh heaven while you’re actually lying in your bed.
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